Weak handshakes from men convey one of two (equally repulsive) things:
• They are too effeminate
• They are convinced that being a big, strapping man they may crush my fragile hand without even trying
Weak handshakes from women:
• They are trying to be dainty despite the fact they weigh 278 pounds
• They have never worked a day in their lives and will soon use an alcohol wipe to be rid of my peasant germs as soon as I am not looking
I met a young female college student recently who squeezed my hand so hard it was as though she were trying to get the last toothpaste out of the tube. “What is this girl trying to prove?” I thought. As the evening progressed, she made it abundantly clear what she was trying to prove:
• She is “one of the boys”
• She is smarter than me
• She is going to be richer than me
• She dates men who like to be dominated
• She would never be like me (I agree!)
Perhaps I am too harsh in my quick judgment of people. Maybe this girl never had a father who loved her enough to teach her that looking someone in the eye while giving them a solid handshake conveys strength, integrity, honesty and confidence – simple as that.
- ain't no party like a lada party cause a lada party don't stop
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