Dave: I don't have enough money to get enough food for lunch. I'm really hungry.
lada: How can you not have enough money? You can get chicken nuggets for a dollar from Wendy's.
Dave: Yeah, but only five nuggets. I need like, fifty.
lada: You could not eat fifty nuggets
Dave: Piece of cake
lada: I'll take that bet. I'll pay the ten bucks for the nuggets, but if you can't finish or you puke, you owe me double.
Dave: It's ten bucks?
lada: Five nuggets for a dollar - so fifty nuggets cost ten. . .
Dave: Oh, yeah. Deal.
So he went to the Wendy's drive-through and picked up fifty nuggets, BBQ, sweet and sour, ranch, buffalo ranch, and honey mustard. The next 25 minutes went like this:
# 4 “mmmm, nuggets are good"
#16 "the ranch sauce is my favorite"
#22 "everything is really salty, even the sauces"
#34 "crap, I'm out of ranch"
#43 "uhh, these are getting disgusting"
#47 "the last three are going be really hard. . ."
#48 "I'm never eating chicken nuggets again"
#50 "I think I'm going to call in sick tomorrow with a heart attack”
Okay, so I lost the bet, but that kind of entertainment at work is priceless. Twenty minutes after wiping the crumbs off his chin he asked if I wanted to bet on who could eat the most Cold Stone ice cream. Now, I know I would have kicked his ass on that one (mmm, cake batter ice cream) but I passed. I assured him that just watching him eat crazy amounts of Wendy's all-white meat, cooked fresh to order chicken nuggets, (blug, blug) was enough to guarantee I wouldn't need to eat the rest of the day. Double blech - I looked it up:
2565 calories – 34.5 grams of saturated fat - 5900 mg of sodium
Who's laughing now Dave?
If you're ever on Jeopardy: Robert C. Baker, the Cornell University poultry science and food science professor who helped develop the chicken nugget, died (of a heart attack) March 13, 2006.
- lada steals from the rich and gives to the poor
Get out, you guys have Cold Stone!!! Pumpkin Pie ice cream rocks my socks off!!! The guys who started it live in Athens.
Back home at our Dwarf House (Chick-fil-A) they have nugget night on Tuesdays. All you can eat baby! I remember some guy from high school ate like 100+ so they had to shut it down for awhile. He was pretty fat though. I can only eat like 30.
who the hell is stuck on the cold stone creamery part of this blog! UGHHHHHHHH the sauce alone probably was double the calories that the nuggets were!
I think I threw up a little bit in my mouth.
I must agree that the cake batter ice cream is pretty kick ass. We don't have Cold Stone here in Indy (surprise) but lada was nice enough to share hers once...
dissapointing fact: they are no longer serving Nerd blizzards at DQ. I was heartbroken
dave who?
why do you have to refer dave as the evil twin? that's soo wrong.
He has a shirt that says "I'm the evil twin"
so...thanks for coming out
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