Wednesday, July 12, 2006

My Fish and Me

I haven't been fishing since Heather and I went when we were like seven - and I seem to remember our poles being pink and blue and having Mickey Mouse on them. Yesterday, eighteen years later, I was using a nice (Russ: "That is a $200 pole - don't break it!") pole.
So how badass am I catching a large mouth bass in half an hour? Of course the animal lover in me kicked in pretty quick when I started petting the thing while Dave was taking out the hook. Tim told me to fillet it and eat it. Hell no, I let that sucka go. Go Fish, my brother - live!

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- lada wears pink pigs in memory


Anonymous said...

Man..that would have good eat'n..D

Me said...

I did have Long John Silver's today. Does that count?