Monday, July 09, 2007

Bateau est Beau

There seems to be a lot of boat naming talk floating around in my life lately (get it, floating - wink, nudge) and it reminded me of a ship's name I saw on some television show or movie. I remembered thinking it was a clever name that was a play on some foreign phrase, but couldn't seem to recall what it was. So, I went online to hunt it down. I never figured out what the show was (some 007 movie perhaps?), but I did find the name of the boat - Sea Vous Play. ("S'il vous plaît" is of course, "please" in French.) And during the hunt for this particular name, I came across many others that were just too damn clever.

For Fun
Aye Candy
Molly Brown
First Born
Nauti and Nice
Pier Pressure
Which Craft?
Flip Me Over and Pour Me Out (written upside down)*
Ship Happens
Running Errands

Sea Life
Just for the Halibut
That's a Moray
Bass Ackwards
Street Sea Urchin

For the Sailboat
Sail la Vie
Between the Sheets
For Sail
Mast Confusion

Cod Father
Scene Isle
Isle Be Back
Bait's Motel
A Three Hour Tour

Specific Ethnicity
Czech Mate
Irish Ayes
Sea Señor
Ahoy Vey

Job Related
Tooth Ferry
Freudian Ship
A Loan At Sea
A Born Sails Man
Gone Fission
Sea + +
Port Folio

And these two took me a moment to figure out
A One Anna Tuna
Noah Genda

Quote of the day - the Water Rat (of Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame): "Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. Simply messing."

- lada swabs the poop deck

*I came up with this one on my own and I must say, I am quite proud of it.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget "work no Moor" for the retirees.


Randy said...

There are two vessels named 'Sea Vous Play' - a fishing boat in Florida that's appeared on both 'CSI Miami' and the last season of 'The Sopranos.' The other one is a 37' sailboat on the west coast - I used to own that boat, and my ex-wife came up with the name before we knew about the Miami boat.