Did you hear about this image of Jesus that is made out of driveway sealant that appeared on a garage floor in Virginia? The chunk of concrete sold for some crazy amount of money on eBay. I hunted around for some other miracles and to my surprise, I found out that Jesus is popping up all over the place. Starting with this famous grilled-cheese Jesus:
. . . on an oyster shell . . .
. . . on an oyster shell . . .
(I chose to not post the image of Jesus on a dog's bum [the anus is his head]. You can google it if you are really interested.)
So it seems the miracle of Christ's face is happening all around us. What I don't understand is how we know what Jesus looked like?
Quote of the day - Jesus: "I am the light that is over all things. I am all: from me all came forth, and to me all attained. Split a piece of wood; I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there."
- lada is a one man rise in crime
in grade school my religion teacher's husband had some interest/hobby/career in weather patterns and took a picture of a cool cloud formation from a plane window. she brought the pic in to school to show us that jesus was in it. except unlike these pics, there was actually a "person" in the clouds, surrounded by light. the head was not visible. crazy shit i tell you. i think that may have been before the technology we have now...
You had religion class in grade school?
Sorry, Heed, but I think you were had...
you would think so, however i went to a catholic school, so it was part of the deal... bum deal
holy crap! jesus appeared in ladaland! that sneaky guy...
hey lada, why didn't you include my "damn,-jesus-is-in-my-bed" picture?
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