This is one of my nieces who didn't want her picture taken. I tried to explain that I must take pictures because she is growing up so fast, but she wasn't having it. Leah has a purple cast on her other arm because she broke her wrist falling out of her bunk-bed. The silly girl lost her balance when she reached too far over the side of the bed in an attempt to spin the ceiling fan by hand. At least Aunt lada was able to sign the cast while in town.
Here is a poster Leah drew for me with her sister Hannah. I am not really sure I fully understand the symbolism of the three suns, but I definitely dig it.
I Get Your Point - Now Quit Wasting Our Tax Dollars
State Senator Ernie Chambers is suing God. He said on Monday that it is to prove a point about frivolous lawsuits. The lawsuit against the Almighty was filed on Friday and seeks an injunction ordering God to cease harmful activities and the making of terroristic threats. The lawsuit accuses God "of making and continuing to make threats of terror and grave harm to innumerable persons, including constituents of Plaintiff who Plaintiff has the duty to represent." It says God has caused "fearsome floods, egregious earthquakes, horrendous hurricanes, terrifying tornadoes, pestilential plagues, ferocious famines, devastating droughts,* genocidal wars, birth defects and the like."
The suit also says God has caused "calamitous catastrophes resulting in the wide-spread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth’s inhabitants including innocent babes, infants, children, the aged and infirm without mercy or distinction."
But you didn't think God was going to take this lying down did you? Oh no, God got a lawyer from Texas! The attorney, Eric Perkins responded, "Defendant denies that this or any court has jurisdiction ... over Him any more than the court has jurisdiction over the wind or rain, sunlight or darkness."
As for the contention that God made threats of terrorism and inspired fear, Perkins wrote that God "contends that any harm or injury suffered is a direct and proximate result of mankind ignoring obvious warnings."
I briefly found this lawsuit entertaining/amusing. I then remembered how much our Judicial System costs and then I was peeved/irked/incensed/galled and perhaps even a bit vexed.
Easy Access Public Transportation?
Anyone who refers to the Chicago Transit Authority as the "C.T.A." or the Charlotte Area Transit System as "C.A.T.S" will be pleased with the acronym for Seattle's new South Lake Union Trolley.
Come on kids - let's all go ride the S.L.U.T.!
101 Things to do (or don't) before you die - #4:
Do catch a fish with your bare hands.
Don't eat snails, even when called “escargot.”
- if lada had a hammer, she'd hammer in the morning
*Can I get a "whoop, whoop!" for seven astonishing alliterations in a row?
1 comment:
Be careful trying to catch a catfish bare handed, they'll spine ya..D
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