Saturday, March 29, 2008

Come On Feel the Illinoise!

Life was demanding a road trip
I needed to sort some things out in my head and there is nothing like watching the sunrise over the mountains in Tennessee to put life in perspective. (And there is nothing like driving the length of Indiana to make you appreciate why Boeing is in business.) It started to snow at exactly the moment I crossed the Illinois state line. They were big fat, juicy flakes and they were perfect. It is good to be back in Chicago. I love this town.

A necessary bit of gratitude
"First Husband" Matt:
Here's to the man who, despite an abundance of alcoholic beverages, can gracefully spin and dip his tipsy dance partner whilst simultaneously making reliable literary recommendations (that you know to write down for me the next morning because I would never remember the titles on my own).
Thank you for the hours at the book store today and the Bloody Mary. Thank you for giving my lungs advice (keep breathing, don't smoke). Thank you for the emails that are purely stream of consciousness. Thanks for fifteen years of argument-free marriage. Thanks for the hugs/laughs. My heart is happy to have you as a friend.

You know you are in my family if you randomly used any of these phrases in the past two days:
Brilliantly brutal
Calendrically congruent
The trickle down effect of psychosis
Goddamn Eddie Vedder
The proper level of terror must be maintained

101 Things to do (or don't) before you die - #31:
Do experience weightlessness.
Don't put too much faith in polls.

- lada will bring home the turkey if you bring home the bacon

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