Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mars, Venus, and T9

Two very different text conversations I had this week. I found both to be odd and yet, rather amusing.

Welcome to the Boys' Club:
DCM: I'm throwing myself back out there. Scholarly bachelordom is overrated.
LADA: Your commitment to scholarly bachelordom only lasted three days
DCM: It's in indefinite status. I reserve the right to resume on short notice.
LADA: Are scholars allowed to be so wishy-washy with their scholarly pursuits?
DCM: Are you naming me a dilettante? For shame! I will maintain my pursuits; I'm simply adding other, more prurient interests.
DCM: The quest for companionship does not preclude "to thine own self be true."
Said interests can always be used as research for you to write the next great American love story (à la your new favorite novel, A Farewell to Arms) once you have reverted back to your typically antisocial ways.
Did you meet someone to instigate this change of heart?
Not yet. Just trying to be more social.
Well, go get 'em tiger (hearty slap on the back). The ladies better watch out! You old devil, you (fake jab to the chin).
What? Is that not how bachelors talk to each other now? I guess I need to brush-up on my lingo...
Play on, playa! 'Dem bitches be scared of what white boy gonna give 'em from behind, yo! (doing the "Superman" dance)
I'm so uncomfortable right now.

Welcome to the Girls' Club:
WORRIED S.: Dear Period - I know that my womb is a sick place to hang out. But OB is throwing an off the wall party in my vagina! It's gonna be tight! Hope you drop by... -- S.
PERIOD: Dear S. - Sorry I'm late, but I'm so there! Holla! P.S. YOU'RE NOT PREGGERS! Love always, P
WORRIED S.: Dear Period - A week is pretty freaking late! I was starting to worry that one of those nasty little womb demons had kidnapped you! But I'm glad you finally made it! -- S.
PERIOD: Dear S. - My bad on the tardiness. I just got the vibe over the years that you really didn't look forward to my visits. It is nice to feel wanted again! Love always, P

101 Things to do (or don't) before you die - #37:
Do make fire without matches.
Don't think of Paul Winchell as just a ventriloquist.

- lada is deep like a cemetery


KarmaTee said...

AWESOME. Just generally awesome. All around. The Superman dance and vagina parties. Fantastic stuff.

Anonymous said...


glad you enjoyed my texts! here's a little follow-up i have entitled
the other night i had to sprint to the store at 11:55 pm in pjs and flips...for cat food... as i jogged through the door, the manager reminded me that they were closing in 5 minutes. yeah, yeah, yeah. so i grabbed the $1.99 box of purina and then proceeded to pay with quarters...because i had no cash and i forgot my card. the manager looked at me and said, "life's like that, huh?" jesus, i can't even take care of a cat, let alone a baby. that, and i drink like a fish...a fish that drinks A LOT of thank you, fetal alcohol syndrome!