Sunday, May 11, 2008


There have been a lot of beautiful things written about mothers – they have been eloquent, poetic, profound and touching. I am not even going to try and compete with what others have already written so well. I will just say, this is why I love you:

The Beatles / the greatest Halloween costumes ever / row-butt / cross-stitching / the drives to Cincinnati / My Fair Lady / Joseph / The Lion King / Cats / Les Misérables / Wicked / The Nutcracker / The Blue Man Group / Second City / poodle skirts and fuzzy white coats / burnt Thanksgiving turkeys / "Hay is for horses, we all know that, but Karen can't remember 'cause her brain is flat!" / the organ, the accordion, and the xylophone / I am Sam and smeared mascara / shoes and more shoes / the night I found out Santa wasn’t real / Trivial Pursuits / daily trips to John’s Apple Market / The infamous story of the iron that was not actually left on / The Dark Crystal / thrift store shopping / boyfriends and the Chili’s curse / "We love you DiAnne, oh yes we do, we don’t love anyone as much as you" / the weekend cleaning list / Sheryl Crow / Travis / Eric Clapton / Paul McCartney / The Wombles! / Fam-damn-ly / cold pork chops / "We loved you enough to let you go even though we couldn’t, as parents, actually let you go" / Nightmare before Christmas / Sundays at the cathedral / painting our nails / crabapple bread from the tree in the backyard / black cars, black cat, black clothes / writing thank you notes 101 / boo bear and boober fraggle / "You should just see if they will give you a deal for a second car…"/ unicorns on the curtains / King’s Island / The Book of Bedtime Stories (and the traveling doughnut) / an awesome Mental Health Day starring James and the Giant Peach / St. Nick stockings / the first day of school / John Lennon onesies / earmuffs...

There are countless more. And countless more to come.

Happy Mother's Day to the women who is truly a saint.

101 Things to do (or don't) before you die - #40:
Do get a free upgrade on a plane.
Don’t expect all art to be pretty.

- lada will meet the Letter People; lada will visit the family

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Green biscuits and milk. The bone game. Rupert. Funnel cakes...for breakfast! Mommie, I imagine we both could go on forever. Thank you for saying yes to 2 little girls singing a song 23 years ago! Love always, kare-bear