Ernesto is happening outside my window. Rain. More rain. Russ calling from Savannah to ask how the gutters he recently hung are working with all the rain - they're working fine. More rain and some rain. I went for a run and got wet. Wind and rain. No flooding, so all is groovy. I am a rock in these kinds of rainy, crisis situations.
You know who you are
Look you effen lurkers. If you have a comment, put it in the little section marked "comments." Don't email or text message it to me.
No, you don't have to have an account - just select "other" and type in any damn name you want to use that day, or be anonymous if you're really a pansy-ass bitch*.
What the cocksucker?
Everything I read said they were only making three seasons of Deadwood. After the finale the other night, I am hoping this isn't the case. It was very anti-climactic for a series finale. My opinion: more people should be brutally murdered (but then I say that about a lot of things).
Your turn
Oh, the book, the book. I had to unpack. . . and paint. . . and stuff.
Anyway, here's the current book status (à la the end of an IM with Matt):
lada: i'm off to make dinner
mrotert: well enjoy that you little homemaker
lada: barf
mrotert: barefoot and pregnant
lada: with a best selling novel
mrotert: you started that one yet?
lada: eh...
lada: no, any ideas?
mrotert: start with a good character
lada: can i have a retard character named matt
mrotert: yes
mrotert: just don't have a plumber because a) i want one and b) what problems do they have?
lada: i think i'm going to start with some shorts on lada land - break into the fiction slowly
mrotert: sounds like a plan
lada: stay tuned
Which is where you faithful readers come in - send me your queer, quaint, quirky (glory to the alliteration god) ideas and I will write you the story - and if it turns into a book, I'll even shake your hand.
Quote of the day - Callan Pinckney: Now for the exciting pelvic rotations!
- lada minds her own bee's wax
*Okay, that was a little mean, you can be anonymous, I won't call you names. . . sissy.