Monmouth County Police Pipes & Drums!

The tour of Georgia was a success. We made the Savannah paper (Savannah Now). Can you see us in the picture? Really, we're in there - try leaning in a little. (Karen says we were wearing green. Does that help?)
I had too many adventures to tell, so for my fellow revelers, this about sums it up - everyone else use your imagination, it needs exercise anyway:
"Do you know Danny Boy?" * boiled peanuts * mmm...goat meat * bagpipes * "The beatings will continue until morale improves" * hard right vs. soft right * "I hate short people" * kilts are wicked hot * "Everyone hates the word moist" * "Did you make a nest back there? You're like a rat" * "I don't think he could dunk, even on PCP" * bagpipes ("I almost peed my pants") * "McDonald's soap doesn't taste very good" * vat babies and marsupials ("Will you be my patent lawyer?") * bagpipes * OCD and tourette syndrome * intents and purposes * "Restrooms are for patrons only, by a drink" (sic)* blesshou * quaff * bagpipes * "I'm starting to think I have more in common with Karen" * Sonic vs. Chickfillet * X-Men, the Phoenix Saga * vegetables = guys * Arctic Monkeys * "Hey bitches!" * I heart Pink Floyd * Walter's van * chandelier earrings and fleece (but they match) * "I hear bagpipes!" * "Do you have alcohol?" "Coke?" "No, AL-CO-HOL" * The first 10 minutes of The Boondock Saints * "I hate people that spell St. Patty's with D's" * mechanical bull * milkshakes vs. malts * "It'd be cool to be around for the end of the world" (that's great it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes and aeroplanes. Oh, come on, we were in Athens, I had to) * rainwater vs. frost * bagpipes (theme anyone?) * "Are you fucking kidding me?" (Jersey style) * laura/laurie/loren * CAGE * "Midgets deserve love too" "Yeah, from other midgets" * You've lost that loving feeling * "Is our luggage still back there?" * Jell-O shots from the magic bag * pipes and drums * "Is your number really 5555?" * "What did the goat do to become infamous?" * Summer of Love warm-up...
For the record (points of arguement):
Panda Bears are bears, not raccoons.
Beluga Whales are whales and a few are swimming in the Georgia Aquarium at this very moment. This moment, of course being 3/21/2006 - why, what moment are you in? Are you reading Slaughterhouse-Five again? Time travel does not really exist - snap back to reality (oh, there goes gravity; oh, there goes Rabbit, he choked; he's so mad, but he won't give up that easy...ummm...sorry, sometimes I channel white rappers).
Polar Bears have clear fur.
Harry Potter IV was not the most expensive movie ever made; it is a nasty rumor. No real reliable source for this info, but everyone seemed to agree and since I am a lemming, (I think maybe I should write a blog...that would be sooo very clever of me) I also agreed. Apparently Cleopatra has the record after inflation adjustment, followed closely by Titanic and/or Spider-Man 2.
Yellowstone is going to blow up like nobody's business.
Evan's blog is funny. Cheers
Told you it was DUCK tape first.
- lada
That is a very porpoise-ful looking whale if you ask me! haha
What about the Discovery Channel of Lies? I enjoyed the blog, nice recap, thanks for the mention.
I thought you wanted to be around for Armageddon? Shouldn't you be cheering for the great Yellowstone volcano?
I'm pretty sure that Armageddon really just refers to the Plains of Armageddon, which is where the battle of the Apocalypse takes place. And how terrible of a comic-book character is Apocalypse? He's like Superman to the nth degree. X-Men blow.
bite me
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