Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Why Are We So Stubborn?

I try to entertain. I generally try to write amusing or witty or moving things that you will want to read. But, sometimes I write for myself because something will get into my head and whirl around and around and I just can’t sleep until I puke it out (à la 6/26/06). This post is that - all purge - a full blown hurricane of a rant – so feel free to skip it.

It started small, a thirty second commercial that I couldn’t forget. I think it was for Wal-Mart; I don’t remember all the specifics so I will give you the gist. It is a back to school commercial that shows clips of different children and their parents listing various uses for the children's new computers. The child says, “videogames” and then it cuts to the parent who says, “homework.” It continues like this, back-and-forth, email vs. research, chat rooms vs. spell check, until one kid says he spends a lot of time composing his own music on his laptop. It then cuts to his mother who says, in a snotty sarcastic voice, “Well, what he calls music.” Wow, that was way harsh. So let me get this straight, your 12-year-old son is putting his time and heart into a healthy, math-driven, creative outlet and you are going to call his efforts crap? Would you rather he was stealing cigarettes, knocking-up his girlfriend and joining a gang? Of course not, no make-believe TV mom in her right mind would want that, but does she think about that before she bashes his music? Even if she is right and his music sucks, does she consider that her insult might hurt his feeling and make him resent her? No, she just has an all-too-important opinion and since we are all so freaking self-centered, we think other people need to hear our opinions no matter the hurt it may cause or the damage it may do.

For example:

  • The confederate flag - Group A calls it a symbol of pride, a tribute to the men who died fighting for their ideals. Group B sees it as a flag that glorifies slavery and segregation. They are, of course, both right in their own ways. Now, when in the presence of this flag, Group B feels hurt, oppressed, angry, violated, frightened and degraded. When Group A is in this flag’s presence, they feel pride. Does one man’s pride justify another man’s pain? Of course not, duh. Group A is able to demonstrate their pride in many other ways and removing this flag cannot cause Group A anywhere near the same level of hurt and pain as flying the flag causes Group B. So in an effort to avoid arguments and confrontation, to be polite and decent, to show consideration for others' feelings (even if you don’t agree or understand them), the majority of America has taken down the flag. Most of us would agree that it is just common courtesy to strangers.
But if we think it is right and good to be this understanding of strangers’ feelings, why can we not seem to extend the same courtesy to our friends and loved ones? These are some examples that are (very, very loosely) based on my own life:

  • If I curse in front of your children, or my friend’s grandmother, or the checkout lady at the grocery store, if Faith asks me not to use the lord’s name in vain in front of her, I can tell them that I don’t give a damn - that I think a word is just a word and this is the way I talk, so they should get over it. I could ignore the request, but the discomfort it gives them is so much bigger than the effort it takes for me to say “oh, jeez” instead of “fucking christ.” And in doing so, we can continue to carry on our lovely conversation without anyone being irritated.

  • If Heather decides to marry a complete tool, I can choose to be mean to him. I can tell her that he is a loser and he will cheat and refuse to accept him as the man of her dreams. Or I can realize that whom she marries impacts her life so much more than mine, and then support her in her decision. I may never like the guy, but maintaining my relationship with my very best friend is worth dealing with a jerk occasionally.

  • If Russ thinks I am wearing a shirt that shows too much cleavage and he asks me to change, I can say no. I can tell him he is wrong, that he can’t control me and he should love me and my clothes the way we are. This would show him that I don’t value his opinion which will hurt his feelings and make him angry. Or, I can change into one of the hundreds of other (dazzling) outfits I own and then he is grateful, and happy. And I, in turn, am happy because he tells me I look hot instead of whorish.
In summary, open your eyes people. Quit being stubborn and realize that other people have feelings too. You may not agree with them or understand why they feel them, but know that they are there and nobody can control what they feel. So, take them into account next time. Weigh what you are giving up (a filthy vocabulary, cleavage, a nylon flag, a lousy opinion) with the potential harm it may cause to an important relationship.

Quote of the day (to lighten the mode) - Rita Rudner: "I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewelry."

- lada feeds the birds, tuppence a bag

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Proof is in the Pudding?

Did you hear about this image of Jesus that is made out of driveway sealant that appeared on a garage floor in Virginia? The chunk of concrete sold for some crazy amount of money on eBay. I hunted around for some other miracles and to my surprise, I found out that Jesus is popping up all over the place. Starting with this famous grilled-cheese Jesus:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

. . . on an oyster shell . . .

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

. . . in a greasy pan . . .

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

. . . and in X-rays.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

(I chose to not post the image of Jesus on a dog's bum [the anus is his head]. You can google it if you are really interested.)

So it seems the miracle of Christ's face is happening all around us. What I don't understand is how we know what Jesus looked like?

Quote of the day - Jesus: "I am the light that is over all things. I am all: from me all came forth, and to me all attained. Split a piece of wood; I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there."

- lada is a one man rise in crime

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Notable Quotables: The Answers

The prize goes to Karen with four correct!

1) “For an actor, there is no greater loss than the loss of his audience. I can part the Red Sea, but I can’t part with you, which is why I won’t exclude you from this stage in my life.”
- Correct answer: Charlton Heston on Aug. 9, 2002, revealing he has Alzheimer’s.*

2) “Well, I can wear heels now.”
- Correct answer: Nicole Kidman to David Letterman in 2001, after her split from Tom Cruise.
- Best incorrect answer: Eddie Izzard

3) "Why can’t you share your bed? The most loving thing to do is to share your bed with someone.”
- Correct answer: Michael Jackson, defending his practice of letting boys share his bed in a Feb. 3, 2003, interview with BBC’s Martin Bashir. This interview led to the molestation charges.

4) “You only lie to two people in your life, your girlfriend and the police. Everybody else you tell the truth to.”
- Correct Answer: Jack Nicholson in the April 1994 issue of Vanity Fair.
- Best incorrect answer: 90% of the male population

5) “I can only tell you that it has been an honor and a privilege to come into your homes all these years and entertain you ... I bid you a very heartfelt goodnight.”
- Correct answer: Johnny Carson, saying his final goodbye on The Tonight Show, May 22, 1992.*

6) "Crack is cheap. I make too much money to ever smoke crack. Let’s get that straight. OK? We don’t do crack. We don’t do that. Crack is whack.”
- Correct answer: Whitney Houston in 2002 on ABC’s Primetime. She has since been through rehab several times.

7) “I’m too much of an erratic moody baby! I don’t have the passion anymore, and so remember, it’s better to burn out than to fade away.”
- Correct answer: Kurt Cobain in his suicide note from April 5, 1994.
- Best incorrect answer: Austin Powers

8) "There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded."
- Correct answer: Princess Diana, in a 1995 BBC interview, on her marriage to Prince Charles.*
- Best incorrect answer: John F. Kennedy

9) “This moment is so much bigger than me. This moment is for Dorothy Dandridge, Lena Horne, Diahann Carroll. It’s for the women that stand beside me ... And it’s for every nameless, faceless woman of color that now has a chance because this door tonight has been opened.”
- Correct answer: Halle Berry, at the 2002 Oscars, in her best-actress acceptance for Monster’s Ball. She’s the first black woman to win the category.*

10) “I just want one day off when I can go swimming and eat ice cream and look at rainbows.”
- Correct answer: Mariah Carey on MTV’s TRL in 2001, before entering rehab for exhaustion.
- Best incorrect answer: Tiger Woods

- lada knows when to keep her mouth shut

*Correctly answered by the winner

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Notable Quotables

A funfunfun lada land game with a prize for the winner! Don't try and control your excitement, cheerful reader - let it run free!

These are ten quotes from famous/infamous people. See how many speakers you can correctly name. Email (don't post!) your answers to me at ladaland@gmail.com by Saturday at noon. The person who guesses the most correctly will win a superad prize.

(If you cheat you are a just a sad, loser with no self-confidence.)

1) “For an actor, there is no greater loss than the loss of his audience. I can part the Red Sea, but I can’t part with you, which is why I won’t exclude you from this stage in my life.”

2) “Well, I can wear heels now.”

3) “Why can’t you share your bed? The most loving thing to do is to share your bed with someone.”

4) “You only lie to two people in your life, your girlfriend and the police. Everybody else you tell the truth to.”

5) “I can only tell you that it has been an honor and a privilege to come into your homes all these years and entertain you ... I bid you a very heartfelt goodnight.”

6) “Crack is cheap. I make too much money to ever smoke crack. Let’s get that straight. OK? We don’t do crack. We don’t do that. Crack is whack.”

7) “I’m too much of an erratic moody baby! I don’t have the passion anymore, and so remember, it’s better to burn out than to fade away.”

8) "There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded."

9) “This moment is so much bigger than me. This moment is for Dorothy Dandridge, Lena Horne, Diahann Carroll. It’s for the women that stand beside me ... And it’s for every nameless, faceless woman of color that now has a chance because this door tonight has been opened.”

10) “I just want one day off when I can go swimming and eat ice cream and look at rainbows.”


- lada will make your bell bottoms go ding-dong

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Point: Amazon.com

I am relaxing at the café in Barnes and Noble in Raleigh. I am enjoying my wholegrain bagel with cream cheese and trying to read the first few pages of the book I am buying, but distractions keep pulling my eyes up and away from the book. My attention is divided between trying to discern what language an elderly Indian women is teaching a college-age girl sitting to my left and a couple of loud, older Russian gents drinking coffee and playing chess sitting to my right (I can’t help but sneak frequent glances their way to see what the board looks like).

But the most distracting, is a younger guy - baggy jeans, black ball cap pulled low, wearing black sunglasses (inside, at 6:30 PM). This guy is sitting in front of me and he is flipping through a stack of women’s magazines. I occasionally look over his shoulder to see why this man is looking at all these girly fashion magazines and the longer I sit, the more I come to realize that he is not really interested in the articles but is taking his sweet time studying any photo of a hot, scantily clad chick. I am annoyed because he has a whole stack of these magazines on the table in front of him and the longer he sits and stares at the pictures, the more I expect that he will start to touch himself at any moment.

As I glance over, still trying to figure out why this tool doesn’t go somewhere other than a book store to get his rocks off, he reaches into his backpack in the seat next to him and pulls out a dark sweatshirt. Now, it was 103 degrees today in NC and this guy is already wearing black boots, jeans, and a long sleeve, button-up shirt. As he fiddles with the sweatshirt, I expect him to put it over his lap to hide whatever perverted thing he’s got going on there, but as I sneer at him, my scorn turns to confusion because he actually pulls the sweatshirt over his head. I sit and stare as he puts the sweatshirt on, trying to understand how this man could be cold; but then he reaches into his pack again and pulls out a square of black fabric. He folds the bandanna in half into a triangle, puts it up to his face and ties it around his head like a mask, covering his nose and mouth. So to clarify, this man is now in a black sweatshirt, black hat, and black sunglasses with a black bandanna tied over his face. Uh…umm… The next few seconds my mind searches for a reasonable explanation - maybe he is leaving the store and he is has a skin condition and can’t be in the sun, maybe he is highly sensitive to any dust in the air, maybe… no, no, no. This guy is just freaking scary. But in the few moments it takes for me to take in the situation and figure out what I should do (run, shout, duck) the guy picks up the magazine he was looking through and continues to flip pages. So I just sit and stare at this crazy fool while he drools over Jennifer Love Hewitt in a Hanes advertisement.

I ponder my situation - he appears to be alone; we are in a book store and not a bank; I don’t really have anything valuable on me; surely, if he were going to rob the place, he wouldn’t sit there this long, just waiting for someone to notice his bizarre appearance, right? And since I do not appear to be in any eminent danger, I continue to sit and watch because I know something is going to happen and the investigative reporter (that I never knew I had inside of me) is urging me to stay so I can file a full report of this incident to you, my inquisitive readers. Then I realize how stupid that is and so I get up to leave. I consider not buying the stack of books I am lugging and just bolting out the door, but this guy was creeping me out before he started dressing like a ghetto version of Al Capone and if something were to happen to any of the other shoppers after I just left without saying anything…

So I decide to walk right up to the guy and ask him to please state the nature of his business.

Only kidding - I head to the check out line and wait anxiously for my turn, expecting to hear some commotion coming from the café behind me at any minute. I get to the front and as the women scans my items, I casually ask if she had noticed the guy with the bandanna covering his face chilling in the back at one of the tables. She laughs a little and says a couple of the older guys that play chess there are sometimes odd, but I explain that this masked man is most assuredly not one of the innocents playing chess. She asks a few more questions (“He actually has a bandanna tired over his face?”) that I answer in a hushed whisper, trying to keep the entire line behind me from overhearing and starting a riot. She then politely informs me that I saved $3.10 with my membership card and that, as soon as she is done checking people out, she will be calling a manager to have a look at the guy. Unimpressed by her reaction, I reply, “Hope that works out okay for you. It is time for me to leave. Have a good night.”

As I walk out, I hold the door open for a heavy couple on their way into the store. I hear the women commenting on the crowded parking lot and she says, “this must be the place to be tonight.” I briefly consider warning them that, in fact, it might not be the place to be tonight, but I pass silently by them and don’t say anything - mostly because they didn’t bother to thank me for holding open the door. I toss by bag of books into my car, hop in, and literally drive off into the sunset.

(Yes, this story is a bit anti-climatic. For those disappointed by the true course of events, here is livelier ending: I ask the man to state the nature of his business but instead of replying he pulls out a gun! I use my Ju Jitsu skills to disarm him and then the Vulcan nerve pinch to sedate him! I searched his bag to see what other trouble he might be up to and inside I find a map to the missing body of Jimmy Hoffa! I am then awarded the Key to the City by the mayor of Raleigh and given free books for life from Barnes and Noble!)

Quote of the Day - Larry Stone, The Seattle Times: "Bonds won. He outsmarted technology, outlasted the critics, and outhomered the Hammer. Hail to the fraudulent king."

- lada doesn't miss the water until her well runs dry

Monday, August 06, 2007


I just remembered that today is the day. It has been seven days since I made sure to fill in the entire outline of a circle drawn on the piece of paper with a sample of my blood and now the results are in. I don’t think I am positive – I have been with Russ for over five years and we are both healthy; however, these things can be dormant for years and it is a test I should have taken long ago. Arg. It is rather nerve racking, thinking I have to make that phone call – the adrenaline is flowing freely.

I am also concerned for the one who took the test with me.

We decided to three-way call for the results so we can be there for each other but she has to work and won't have time to call until later this afternoon. Crap, my hands are shaking…

- lada needs a date with Jack Daniels

3:58 PM update: My tests results aren't ready yet - stupid United States Postal Service and their slow delivery times. No worries, I'll try again tomorrow. Karen, on the other hand, is negative - yay!

10:03 AM update: Results are in - negative. Cool. Bring on the intravenous drugs and sexual promiscuity, for I am obviously indestructible!