Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Chick-Fil-A Here I Come...??

Restaurants I was pleased to learn are in Columbia, SoCa:
Pizzaria Uno
Jimmy John's
The Melting Pot

Restaurants Russ was pleased to learn are in Columbia, SoCa:
Chili's (whew!)

Restaurants that I will miss dearly:
P.F. Chang's
Trattoria No. 10
The Cheesecake Factory

Restaurants I am concerned about visiting in Columbia, SoCa:
John Paul's Armadillo Oil Company
Cat and Cleaver
Big T Bar-BQ Inc
Palmetto Pig

I am also happy to be able to shop at Kroger (I really wanted to say Kroger's) again. There is a Kroger that has a Chick-Fil-A inside. How super-duper is that? No really. . . is that a good thing?

If you're ever on Jeopardy: The Taste of Chicago is the world's largest free outdoor food festival (of course you have to pay to eat - mmm, alligator on a stick and hurricanes!) It attracts over 3.5 million people. Plus it has ab fab fireworks - a summer of love must!

- lada passes the mustard and biscuits. . . mmmm, hmmm


Anonymous said...

Restaurants suck.

Anonymous said...

Based on a recent Gallup poll of ordinary Americans on the street, 87% of the test group polled picked ladaland as the No. 2 vacation spot for their family this summer. Disneyland finished a close 3rd, while Candyland remains far and away the favorite for a fun-filled and totally sweet getaway that offers enjoyment for the entire family*.

*Findings based on a two-child family unit.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about Columbia specifically but they have
P.F. Chang's
The Cheesecake Factory
in the SE, or at least in metro-Atlanta. Maybe you could get lucky. Besides you get all sorts of wonderful BBQ. And soul-food. And low-country boil. Mmmmmmm . . . crawdads :P

Evan said...

I'm pretty sure there is a Cheesecake Factory in Charlotte, NC. But as we all know...there's nothing good about Charlotte. I'd be willing to bet you'll find a Chipotle somewhere in the SC.

Me said...

Somewhere in the entire state? As in, "let's take a roadtrip to Lynchville to get a burrito"?