Sunday, November 05, 2006

I Don't Have Much Else

Bob Barker is retiring from the Price is Right. The man is 82 years old and has only missed three episodes since the show first aired in 1972. You can admire sports superstars, genius inventors, philanthropists, creative artists or beautiful models, but my hero: Bob Barker. And now he is leaving. First Bob Ross, now Bob Barker. There will be no quality television left.

Double Damn
I don't drink coffee but sometimes I wish I did. It tastes bitter and nasty and turns your teeth yellow and, um hello, diuretic - but when Mountain Dew just doesn't cut the mustard (ha, see if you can use that phrase in conversation today), that caffeine I'm missing out on by not drinking coffee could be very useful. So, when I heard about the caffeine inhaler Starbucks is working on - a shot of caffeine PLUS minty fresh breath - I was definitely intrigued.

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Unfortunately it appears it is not true. Pass the Jolt Cola, please.

Scat Cat or Cat Scat
The Miami zoo has a new exhibit called "The Scoop on Poop." The exhibit features such classics as: stool samples, microscopes to view slides of parasites found in dung, a scale designed to tell children how long it takes an elephant to poop their weight, a person sitting in an outhouse with the cutout face for amusing snap shots, and pictures of various animals actually caught in the act. (As if seeing the Bears in the Super Bowl wasn't enough reason to make the trip to Miami.)

If you're ever on Jeopardy: Coffee was introduced to Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks. Turkish law made it legal for a woman to divorce her husband if he failed to provide her with her daily quota of coffee.

- lada makes the grass grow greener - kill, kill, kill!


Anonymous said...

life will just not be the same without bob barker! although i was devastated when rod rodney quit/retired, but the show still went on...

Me said...

I thought he had died not quit