Thursday, January 10, 2008


Sorry, this is the second (and last) political post this month. It's just that, now that we are living in South Carolina, our primary votes are suddenly super important and the stink of politics is heavy in the air...

I went to see Barack Obama today in Charleston and it happened that John Kerry was also there to give Barack his endorsement. I stood in line for a couple of hours but I got really close and was able to get some great pictures. I also got the back of my head and my right shoulder on CNN, so I can check that life-long goal off my list.

After the speech, they went around doing a quick meet and greet. I was trying to squirm my way through the crowds to the front when a Secret Service agent caught my eye and yelled at me not to push. Aah, scary! Seriously, those Secret Service guys are crazy intimidating. They really are the ultimate cliché - perfect suits, sunglasses, absolutely no facial expressions, whispering into their lapels with one finger on the earpiece.
But right after my S.S. scolding, Barack reached out and shook my hand! Cool.

101 Things to do (or don't) before you die - #18:
Do study the Kama Sutra.
Don't leave home unprepared.

- lada smells what Barack is cooking


Anonymous said...

oh my god, lada, what did you wear?

Me said...

That brown plaid button down that I think I wore when I was home in September.
But I don't think it is a clip they will be rerunning on CNN anytime soon (but I DO have it saved on my DVR...)
I'm a dork.

Daws122 said...


Anonymous said...

i love you! lada, not daws122. dd, i don't understand what is boring.

Daws122 said...

Karen, I dont like to talk politics. It's like talking about religion there are always rights and wrongs. I just dont like getting around that subject of ambiguity.

Although I love Lada for taking a stand. Fight on sister!

Anonymous said...

dd, if no one ever talked about politics, religion, or other 'sensitive subjects' then change wouldn't happen. and if everyone had the same opinions on these subjects then the world would be rather boring, no?