Monday, March 13, 2006

Can I get a night-light? (or: Why I hate horror movies)

Picture this:
I am quietly lying in bed drifting off to sleep when a nightmarish, pallid, rotting hand begins slowly reaching toward me... AHHH!

This is why I don't like horror movies.
I am fine during the actual film viewing; I don't flinch or scream like my sweet sister. My problems begin when I go to bed because that is, of course, when the zombies/demons/psychos come to get me.

Last night we watched White Noise, a not too scary Michael Keaton flick about communicating with the dead. During the movie I was quite composed, an hour later in bed and I was hiding under the covers (demons can't see you under covers, duh). Every time I closed my eyes, the decaying hand would start inching closer.
Russ advised I pretend that the pretend zombie hand is instead a pretend hunk's hand reaching toward me to, umm...well, still grab me but in a much less distressing way. This helped a bit (I laughed) but when the hunk is Mathew McConaughey from the ax murderer movie Frailty, it is all too easy to picture him silently leaning over my bed, ready to chop off my head. I had to sleep with the lights on after we watched that movie - truly frightening.

And let us not forget the most disturbing movie ever - Arachnophobia. Spiders under the covers, nuff said.

I have enough insomnia on my own.

- la "sticking to Disney" da


Anonymous said...

i hate the scary movies that are true story, or could actually happen. for example if there's a scary scene in a public bathroom, or something happens when a woman is home alone...etc. After watching the movie and I find myself in one of the situations I get scared to death if I let myself think about what happened in the movie. I'm sticking with comedy/romance.

Anonymous said...

nothing beats watching a scary movie - aka arachnaphobia/pet cemetary - in a dark basement on halloween night!! Ahh, the good ol' days.

Side note - i was driving to work today and a walgreens sign said "We now have chicken poop!" no joke, also note the exlaimation point, i am not just exaggerating. is this yet another new thing in pop culture that i am out of the loop on? anyone with info, please explain.

Me said...

Yeah, pretty sure chicken poop is still not a good thing (bird flu and all...ya know), you can go back to studying - you haren't missed anything interesting.

Do you remeber watching Pet Semetary 2 together oh so long ago? Haha, Eddie Furlong before his his American History X days...classic