Monday, March 13, 2006

Palmetto state

It is official - we are heading to the great state of South Carolina. Russ starts April 3 and I will kick around just Chi-town long enough to sell the house. Y'all come visit ya hear...

My brain is foggy; I am muddled, so I'm off to bed.

This should entertain you, I mean y'all, for the evenin: Y'allbonics

- lada


Anonymous said...

I love you Laurie.....and Chicago is going to miss you like crazy....but then again, wait- you do live in Algonquin now...isn't that like 1/2 way between chicago and Canada? Okay, just kidding....but Karen and I are completely going to impose on you and come out to visit as often as possible.....I plan on going to Mutha Fletchers and Freaky Tikis a lot! (look it up :-) )
love ya lots, Britt

The Dunce-cap Marvel said...

For your information, the correct pronunciation is "Jo-jah." Better get used to having every fizzy beverage referred to as "Coke", no matter if it is not of the cola variety.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and you forgot "fixin'." As in, "Laurie is fixin' to go down to Jo-jah."

Me said...

Jo-jah here I's come.
Would it be it sow-carlina?

Brittney already has the bar scene scoped out,wee! Wait, if she's already been there, they might remember her...maybe we should go to Hilton Head instead