Monday, March 06, 2006

The Flowers You Gave Me...

Kare and Britt came out on Friday night to do a little evil ex-boyfriend voodoo. Three chicks from Raytown, pizza rolls, alcohol - it quickly turned into flipping through old high school yearbooks (since we all live many miles from Ray now, we felt we could safely do this without feeling too cheesy). I even dug out a snap shot of Britt and me from 8th grade...yuck.

It got late so we headed to Cheeseburger 'N Paradise so Russ could sleep. Good band. They played a mix of mostly P.Floyd and Weezer. I had a festive drink called a Hurricane Bob (sing it with me, "hurricane, but you can call me slurr-icane...") that came bedecked in a plastic sunglasses pin that properly belongs on a jean jacket in 1987; I of course, had to have them in every color (= 4 Bobs). Spankin good time.

Home for cupcakes and bed, voodoo accomplished.

- lada out

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