Sunday, March 05, 2006

Welcome to lada land

I was going to skip the "let me introduce myself" stuff (you guys all know me and if you don't, it doesn't really matter) but my sister was doing this Top Ten list thingy on Friday and it seemed rather apropos for my first blog entry. It works like this - top ten things that really rock your world (no people please). Mine in no particular order:
10. Fireworks
9. Puppies
8. Champagne
7. Music
6. Hair dye
5. Books
4. Dark chocolate
3. Photographs
2. Roller coasters (wee!)
1. Fire
Feel free to post you own top tens.

- lada


Anonymous said...

Love you..................I'm still confused over this "fire" 21 years, you never mentioned this. I think I would remember that. Or, is this your clever way to set everyone who knows you best "off balance" ?????? Now that would be "YOU" !!! LOL
Friday nite sounds like a great time. So, is that pin now on a jacket............ :)


Me said...

Why does fire have a bad reputation? I am not a pyro. I am just intrigued by fire's lack of atomic structure. (It's not made of anything for goodness sake. Ok energy, blah blah, but come on, no molecules or anything and you can still see it, and it moves!) neat

No, all 4 sunglasses are now dangling from my too expensive coach bag...some sort of shabby chic thing? shrug

Me said...

Tim - I meant, post your list for MY readers, not steal my theme for a blog entry of your own.

And one more thing in defense of fire - smores

Anonymous said...

Not sure I totally agree with the "not made of anything" the light you see is being produced by electron orbital shifts in the combustion byproducts...

Perhaps we should consider a list of why an outie could be good:
- Minimizes belly button lint
- You look so much better once you get it fixed (inned?)
- Its good to be different
- Gives just a little more room for that last bite of ice cream
- If you are in the right mood it can be fun to watch strangers react with horror, disgust, curiosity,....
- Makes a good basis for bald-faced lies: "yup one day I was blowing up a balloon and suddenly felt something give.."

Anonymous said...

This is my list for all of Laura's readers.
10) 18th century muskets & Winchester rifles
9) trampolines
8) soft-serve ice cream
7) beer
6) cemeteries & very old churches
5) comic books
4) Irish fiddle music & drinking songs
3) libraries
2) lizards
1) movies

Me said...

anonymous - hehehe

Anonymous said...

Tim, try "Altered Carbon" by Richard K. Morgan. You'll thank me when you surface.

Anonymous said...

top ten list:
1. sleep
2. blood and guts (no, i'm not psycho)
3. wine
4. summer
5. being tan
6. hotties (i know you said no people, but this is just a general statement)
7. shopping
8. rollercoasters
9. girls night
10. Monte Cristo (best dog ever)

Anonymous said...

anonymous: I read a synopis for it...sounds interesting. I'll try and fit it in sometime soon. Can't make any promises though; I usually can't get into futuristic sci-fi stuff. I'm probably the only fanboy in the world who didn't like 'Blade Runner.'

Evan said...

1. Gin and tonics
2. First signs of a new season.
3. Ipod
4. New CD's
5. Long dinners where you eat and drink a lot.
6. Beer at lunch.
7. Traveling
8. Seeing old friends.
9. Payday
10. Starting a book.