Wednesday, March 29, 2006

HTML . . . yawn

At this time I would like to point out the links over to the right - Good Search in particular. Good Search is a Yahoo! search engine that makes a donation to the charity of your choice every time you use it. (Google truly has enough money.) I am currently donating to the Special Olympics. The only draw back is that you can't use the donations as a tax deduction.

5 thing that force you to 'fess up to your adulthood:
- You say things like "too bad you can't use ___ as a tax deduction"
- Your parents are excited (rather than petrified) that you may be pregnant
- You just don't get the clothes kids are wearing these days (skinny jeans?)
- The idea of a 15 (vs. 30) year mortgage is hot
- The slang you said as a kid went out long ago. . . and is now on its way back in

5 slang phrases I said as a kid that should like, totally come back:
- psyche
- rad
- dudette
- gag me with a spoon
- big whoop

Come on! We can make it happen if we all put forth the effort. Try and use one everyday. We will be trendsetters.

A completely unrelated topic:
Heather, why spend all that money on med school when this is all you need?

- lada does not come with five interchangeable prostates


Evan said...

With the exception of "psyche" all of those phrases are thankfully dead and shall remain that way. I urge you to abandon this campaign.

Me said...

That's okay Ev - if you are only comfortable with psyche, than use it (it will spread like wildfire). The rest of us will take up your slack.

Anonymous said...

I prefer the Footballski and Charles V sanctioned spelling of 'SYKE.'

Anonymous said...

Thought for the day.........

"The mind is an floats with only one-seventh of its bulk above water."

Sigmund Freud

Was surprised that "The Wombles" was not on your list of top books....... :)

I read "Vurt" over the weekend. I added two feathers to your book, a yellow and a black !!

Me said...

Tim - Yeah, I didn't really think of how to spell it, I just did what felt right. I like "SYKE" better - capitalized. Actually it should probably have been "psych" not "psyche" to begin with...I'm a loser (maybe that should come back, the L on the forehead).

anon - The Wombles rock! Thanks for the rock harder than Wombles!

Anonymous said...

Uh...Children can be a great tax deduction but you need to have them before the end of the year, which means time is rapidly running out for tax year 2006. Think twins there have gotta be some economies of scale....D

Me said...

Jinx me and you die

Anonymous said...

Its in the blood, both sides.

Kids a great way to stay up to speed on the latest ummm.. rad lingo....D

Me said...

kids - gag me with a spoon

just for now though, don't continue to gag me forever

Anonymous said...

So...I guess you're pregnant. With twins no less. Congrats lada!!! [New] life is beautiful xoxo! That's so rad, dudette! Let's all give a big whoop for lada!

By the way...who the hell are the wobbles?