Monday, March 27, 2006

Immigration Law*

Last night on Desperate Housewives, the Gabrielle character used the term "wetback." Am I the only one who found this inappropriate? Do racial slurs really belong on ABC's most watched night of television? Do they think it is okay just because Eva Longoria is herself Latina? Has hip-hop culture made people think these horrible terms aren't insulting if the person using them is of that particular race? Whatever, I was annoyed.

Other race related issue:
I made a comment the other day in favor of the proposed legislation that would put fences along our southern border. Well, actually what I said was, "We should build a wall." Apparently this was distasteful.

"How dare you say that lada! Your ancestors came from Germany, why shouldn't everyone have the same opportunity that you have had?"

Yes, fine. I completely agree. Everyone should have the same opportunities to make something magnificent of their life. I understand that our economy relies heavily on immigrant workers who gladly do labor that Americans snub their noses at. (I know, I know, that sentence ended with a preposition, but "labor at which Americans snub their noses" would have made me sound like I was a first-rate snob.) I am not opposed to immigration in any way; my problem with illegal immigrants is that they are usually paid under the table - and I have a problem with people (all people, not just immigrants) who enjoy the benefits of being an American and don't pay for it.

"Why should they pay taxes? Taxes don't do much for me. I'm not on Welfare, and Social Security will be gone long before I can use it. We have no universal health care. . . (etc.)," the argument continued.

Good, you are lucky that you don't need food stamps. But what about the things that the government provides that really do affect our lives everyday?

schools / police / fire protection / street maintenance & stoplights / the judicial system / sewer and sanitation / emergency weather warnings / building codes / public transportation / environmental protection (weak, but better than naught) / currency production / jails and prisons / snowplows and salt trucks/ science / agriculture /US embassies overseas and more things I can't think of right now because I take them for granted and wouldn't really notice them unless they were gone.

Russ and I paid over $25,000 in taxes last year. That's why I am irritated by those who don't contribute. I don't believe in anarchy, and I pay a helluva lot of money every two weeks for the right to have a cop give me a speeding ticket - that costs me another $75.

Yes, the government is out of control right now. All the (should be illegal) things that are being done in the name of anti-terrorism are reminiscent of the anti-communism craziness we saw in the 1940's. But if you want to complain about how much the war in Iraq is costing, put your money where your mouth is. The projected 2006 deficit is $360 billion; the American public cheated on their taxes last year to the tune of about $400 billion. And that is only legal Americans, imagine how much the working illegal immigrants could contribute, rather then feeding most everything they earn in the US back into Mexico's economy. I just think Uncle Sam should get his cut, and if I have to pay my share than dammit, you should pay yours.

If you have a heart condition, continue reading at your own risk.

Yes, I'm proud to be an American . . . most of the time. However, when I hear that a US ball park (minor league) is now selling a bacon cheeseburger served on a glazed Krispy Kreme doughnut bun, I sometimes wish I were Mexican. Those goat-meat burritos seem logical compared to that saturated fat monstrosity. Ick, my heart hurts just talking (typing) about it.

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- lada loves her sister more than any illegal immigrant

* I was pondering this entry while at work today, then came home and saw Evan beat me to it (which was really weird). I hear what you have to say Evan, and I agree. However, tax evasion is a felony for any American so we can't give special privileges to those here illegally.


Anonymous said...

Historian's note: The McCarthy Red Scare and Communism issue was a primary problem during the 1950s, not the 1940s. Post-WWII was immediately concerned with the advent and spread of Communism, but dealt with it in a strictly economic sense (for example the Marshall Plan, which repaired the German economy and won that country to our side rather than that of the Russkies). The domestic problems really began in the early Fifties and grew out of hand with the Korean War, Chinese Revolution, and that idiotic Wisconsin senator.

Just so you know.

Anonymous said...

hey... thanks for making me feel like SHIT!!!

i'm moving to mexico...

Me said...

I was going by the Hollywood blacklist investigation - 1947. Thanks for the correction, friendly historian.

Anonymous said...

As an aside you list currency production as a cost of government. In fact it is one of the few profit centers. The currency in circulation is in effect a non-interest paying note from the govt (technically the Federal Reserve). If you keep $100 in the bank you get the interst, hold $100 in coins and the govt keeps the interest. There is even a name for the effect; seignorage... D

Me said...

Sweet - smart people read my blog.