Wednesday, March 08, 2006

"Would you like a lollipop?"

So today I go to the bank, drive through style.

pull in - roll down window - insert check - push send button - tube gets vacuumed into bank

This is where things get complicated. My instinct is to now roll up my car window because it is efffen cold outside (38 degrees) and I am losing heat by the second. BUT, the teller wants to talk to me.
"Hello, how are you?"
I'm fine, but I want to roll my window up, how are you?

Would that be rude? I might miss her "Thanks, have a good day" if my window is up. Or, even worse, what if she has an important question about my pending transaction, "Did you want any cash back today?" while I am obliviously singing along with the radio (snug in my car).

What is the awkwardness potential of the teller talking to a piece of glass and receiving no response. I would not want to hurt her feelings...she has my money (power).

- l.da


Me said...

"The mind is a terrible thing to waste"

You could make it an anagram:

See ghost in Tahiti winter melt Brad

Does that help?

Anonymous said...

Personally I think the teller wants to have a conversation with you just as much as you want to have one with them... not at all. They just have to say "hey how's it going" and sound all polite because it's their job. That's just my opinion of course.

Anonymous said...

i personally like the tellers that offer the dog biscuits