Saturday, April 15, 2006


Anonymous said...

That was crazy man!

Blog Hog

Anonymous said...

I can totally relate to this post. Thanks for the insight lada.

Anonymous said...

lada, I want you to know that this post is amazing! It serves as a continuing inspiration for me and it betters my physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Every morning I jump out of bed, and come here to this wonderfully blank post to receive the wisdom and foresight I need to successfully complete my day in a manner that is fitting for this truly enlightened and amusing entry. Thanks for your hard-work and diligence and keep it up lada!

Me said...

Timmie - I don't think your computer is displaying the picture. It is a colored egg that a chick pops out of and says "Happy Easter"

That being said - all your comments still apply 100%