Monday, June 11, 2007

I'll Only Complain About This Once

It is depressing that an amazingly well written show like Studio 60, is being cancelled because the ratings are not as high as some other lame show NBC has like Deal or No Deal.
You can watch a couple great scenes from Thursday night's Studio 60 here. Or (if you still read) this is a part of the transcript:
(Crisis: Matt walks in and finds Harriet on her knees praying)

Matt: Does that ever just feel like busy work?
Harriet: No.
Matt: We’ve been having this fight for eight years haven’t we?
Harriet: Yes, and you’ve lost every time.
Matt: Mary Tate is upstairs talking to people on the phone who do things and you’re kneeling and praying? As if that’s action.
Harriet: It is.
Matt: Harry. . .
Harriet: ‘My people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray that I will hear them from Heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.’
Matt: You are believing in a fairy tale.
Harriet: I am believing that God protects his children.
Matt: Then why the hell didn’t he give the hijackers massive coronaries before they reached for the box cutters?
Harriet: I can’t explain God’s ways to you because I can’t understand them myself. No one can.
Matt: Well, isn’t that convenient for God.
Harriet: I would imagine if I were God, I would make things as convenient for myself as possible.
Matt: Do you understand that this represents an inexplicable lapse of common sense?
Harriet: It’s not a weakness to have faith.
Matt: It’s not a weakness to take responsibility either.
Harriet: I don’t disapprove of what you believe.
Matt: You think I am going to burn in Hell for what I believe!
Harriet: Yeah, I do worry about that. . .
Matt: Isn’t it possible that Mary got pregnant by another man and Joseph stepped up so that his wife wouldn’t get stoned to death by the village?
Harriet: No.
Matt: It’s more likely that an angel inseminated her and she gave birth to a magical wizard who could rise from the dead?
Harriet: He’s not David Copperfield!
Matt: Why do you have to believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ to know that robbing a bank is wrong and picking someone up off the ground is right?
Harriet: That’s like asking why you think you need to believe in gravity to know if you throw a rock off a ledge it is going to hit somebody in the head.
Matt: Science isn’t something you believe in – science has to proven, or they don’t get to call it science.
Harriet: What would be great is if you knew something about Christians before you start…
Matt: It’s a fairy tale!
Harriet: No, it’s not!
Matt: We've been having this fight for six months.
Harriet: We've been having this fight for two years!
Matt: We have been having this fight in two different millennia now!
Harriet: . . .
Matt: You really would’ve thought that one of us would have won by this point.
Harriet: Oh Matt, I just love you is all. It’s okay that you’re a heathen.
Matt: Well, I appreciate that.
Harriet: Come pray with me.
Matt: . . .
Harriet: I’ll show you how. You’ll learn something new.
In stark contrast, you can watch this week's Deal or No Deal here. Or read this transcript:
Howie: I need your decision Beverly. Deal or no deal?
Beverly Futch: Howie, that's a lot of money and I ain't never had that much money and I've tried a couple times now to find that five dollars and I ain't been able to find it. If I knock out that $400,000, I'm doomed.
I think we are all doomed.

Quote of the day - random guy: "I'd be a Cubs fan for her!"

- lada exits, stage left


Anonymous said...

Sorry to be argumentative, but it's pretty easy to see why this show is cancelled. This clip is the first of it I've seen and if that's the best it has to offer, than count me out. With the transcript, I thought I was reading a scene from a 7th Heaven episode. The writing was trite and tried too hard to be witty -- which it wasn't. And if the producers are wondering why their show failed, then they should look no further than themselves for casting the always-awful Amanda Peet.

I'm not trying to validate Howie Mandel's rebirth, but it looks like America and the studio bigwigs made the right decision here.

Me said...

says the guy who doesn't own a tv...

Anonymous said...

And glad of it...especially if this is what I'm missing.

Anonymous said...

i have to admit that i never watched studio 60 so i'm not going to miss it, but i will say that i think reality tv has taken over. i hate it. who wants to watch a bunch of hillbillies on tv? i want to escape the everyday people sometimes and watch real actors and shows with an actual story line. is that so much to ask?