Monday, September 03, 2007


Merriam-Webster has announced the new words that will be added to the 2007 edition of the dictionary and a couple are portmanteaux: Ginormous (gigantic + enormous) and Crunk (crazy + drunk). Portmanteau was a word that meant a large suitcase that was divided into two separate compartments. The word took on a new meaning when Lewis Carroll used it in Through the Looking Glass to describe two separate words blended together into one word – specifically when Humpty D is explaining to Alice the meaning of various nonsense words in the Jabberwocky poem.

English lesson aside, I thought I would give you a few of my own personal favorite portmanteaux:

Compunicate (computer + communicate)
“Send me an email next week so we can compunicate about a plan for the meeting.”

Prostitot (prostitute + tot)
“Did that little girl’s parents actually let her out of the house dressed like a prostitot?”

Anticipointment (anticipation + disappointment)
“I was overwhelmed with anticipointment when the Cubs lost in 2003.”

Definotly (definitely + not)
“Will I go with you to your gynecologist appointment? Definotly.”

Sacrilicious (sacrilegious + delicious)
“The vegetarian enjoyed every sacrilicious bite of her fillet mignon.”

Chillax (chill + relax)
“Dude, I’m just chillaxing on the couch watching QVC.”

Posilutely (absolutely + positively)
“Do I want chocolate cake for breakfast? Posilutely!”

101 Things to do (or don't) before you die - #1:
Do write a best selling novel.
Don't watch the colorized version of It's a Wonderful Life.

- lada's is the face that launched a thousand ships


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