Sunday, November 04, 2007

Halloween '07

Holiday update via text message conversation with the Dunce Cap Marvel:

DCM: How was the Halloween party?
lada: It was last Saturday and was okay – people afraid to really dress up
DCM: What were you?
lada: I was going to be a firefighter but ended up it my cap and gown – it sucked
DCM: Haha…yeah that is pretty bad, especially with all the secrecy around it. Did you do anything Halloween night?
lada: Sat in my new rocking chairs on the porch with a lot of black candles, Halloween music, red wine and passed out
lada: Candy – passed out candy
DCM: Nope. I prefer the story the kids will tell at school about the crazy lady passed out drunk on the porch clutching the bucket of candy daring kids to come close.
lada: Half the kids didn’t even dress up
DCM: Really? Lame. At least they will grow up to be good evangelical Christians instead of devil worshippers.
lada: I made them sing to get the kiddy crack if they were not in costume – twinkle twinkle little bat, how I wonder where you’re at
DCM: Some Wiccan lady won the lottery and is starting a real life Hogwarts.
lada: Well there goes my life’s ambition right out the stained-glass window. The only thing left for me to do is finish building that teleporter in the back of my wardrobe…

101 Things to do (or don't) before you die - #9:
Do learn to play that instrument (piano is the most popular).
Don't jump to conclusions.

- lada is standing outside a broken phone booth with money in her hand

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