Tuesday, February 12, 2008

For the Grown and Sexy Crowd

Can it get any better than an adults-only skate party with alcohol?
No, it cannot!
Here is a picture of Karen and I couple skating. Granted we were probably cuter when we were eight and six, but this time we had beer, so...


101 Things to do (or don't) before you die - #24:
Do see a space shuttle launch.
Don't lock yourself out.

- lada can limbo lower


Daws122 said...

lada, I would have to say there would be many balck and blues the next day.

That picture looks really vintage.

KarmaTee said...

I have a rollerskating party too tomorrow! Beer and childhood activities together is always fun... and you have inspired me to bring along my striped tube socks. Nice work.

Anonymous said...

neither lada or i fell once! we kicked some serious skating ass!

wear the socks for sure! i got plenty of applause for mine.

wish you could have been there! next time we're all together...


Daws122 said...


If you could use my whole name please, Daws122. If I were to go skating there would be lots of black and blues. That is what I am saying