Friday, August 25, 2006

Two Reasons

I Wanna Be Sedated (episode 32)
It appears the writers over at HBO are frequent visitors to lada land because Entourage unabashedly stole my list thingy.
I am okay with this because:

  1. Entourage is a super, awesomely cool show which in turn means my brain must also be super, awesomely cool because HBO and I think alike.
  2. I am expecting a royalty check any day now. Woo hoo, round o' drinks on lada!
If you show me real love baby, I'll show you mine. . .
I like Paris Hilton's new song. Yes, I just said that. I know she is a disaster. I know we all wish she would just shut the hell up and f-f-fade away. But why should I hold her against the song?

  1. She was born with that voice. No real credit deserved there.
  2. The people who wrote it have skills - they've written songs for a whole host of talent: Madonna, Santana, Marc Anthony, Whitney, Roy Orbison, Bette, Britney, Tina Tuner, Kelly Clarkson, Enrique Iglesias. Yes, it is the musical equivalent of a big chewy piece of pink Bubblicious, but isn't that half the fun? Not everything can be a Lennon/McCartney original.
Good TV. Better TV. DIRECTV.
We are keeping cable. We are getting a dish. Both, huh? Ummm. . .

  1. Time Warner sucks. Bad. The menus are awkward, the DVR doesn't work, and no NFL Network means no Chiefs on Thanksgiving. Unacceptable.
  2. I am too leery of the "if the wind blows you will lose reception" dish horror stories to give up cable completely. So, we are going to keep both for a bit (read: football season) and see which we prefer come February. NFL Ticket, whoopee!
Quote of the day - Mathew: Jesus is coming. Look busy.

- Oh lada! So hot! Want to touch the hiney ! Arrroooooooo!


Anonymous said...

What about Clay Aiken? Greatest singer ever! As you can see Lada has to come up with trivial subjects to write about and not her loving Blog-hog. I want more Blog-hog subjects.


Anonymous said...

The Blog-Hog is pretty legit. Give that guy a raise or something. Seriously though, this post was abysmal; try something new next time or just read about the Dunce-cap Marvel.

Anonymous said...

Your list is terrible. My list consists of Jewel and that's it. Fuckin' girlie doesn't even give me that but she claims some weirdo Aussie guitar player so what the hey? I can't een contribute to life for real cuz I am doneski. Outskis.

Me said...

abysmal - that was way harsh