Sunday, December 17, 2006

Be Nice

Have you ever been touched when you didn’t want to be? Has someone “accidentally” brushed against you? Were you abused or raped or taken advantage of when you were under the influence? Have you ever been called easy, a whore, a player; or do they tease you because you are a virgin? Have they called you a fag or a dyke because you are gay - a baby-maker because you are straight? Did they say what you desire is nasty or raunchy or unnatural? How did that make you feel?

Has anyone ever made fun of you because of what you wear? Did they judge you because you don’t shop at the expensive stores or did they say you are vain because you spent too much money on clothes? If you show too much skin, you are a slut – not enough skin, you are plain or prudish. Did they call you butch because you wore flannel or tell you men shouldn’t wear skirts? Are you a gangster because you wear your jeans too low or are you old-fashioned because you have your jeans pulled too high? Did they say your clothes were too tight or too baggy? How did that make you feel?

Has anyone ever said that your skin is too black or not black enough – too pale white or too tan? Do they see you as old and wrinkled or vain because you got a facelift? Did they make fun of you because you have freckles or acne? How did that make you feel?

Have you been called a yankee because you bring bagels and doughnuts for breakfast instead of a “Southern” breakfast? Were you confused about how and why you were supposed to get thirty people biscuits and gravy for a working meeting at 7:30 in the morning? Did you wish they had said thank you for some mighty good bagels instead of calling you a name? How did that make you feel?

Has anyone ever made fun of your body because you are too heavy or too skinny – because you are tall or short – because your teeth are not white enough or straight enough (but if you got braces, wouldn't they judge you more)? Do you worry that your breasts are too small or too large – that your penis is too small or crooked? Have people asked if you are anorexic because you are thin or called you a meathead because you are muscular? Do they say you have too much hair on your back or do they complain because you don’t have enough hair on your head? Did they tease you because your hair is long like a girl or too short like a boy? Have you ever been called ugly? How did that make you feel?

Did they say that you are a freak because you wear black – a jock because you like sports – a nerd because you are intelligent - a blonde because you are blonde – a loser because you own a skateboard – a snob because you have money? Do they judge you because your job is not prestigious enough? If you are a nanny do people ask you if you are sleeping with the father? If you are a car salesman do people assume you are sleazy? If you are a bartender, do people assume you don’t have a degree? Did you become a lawyer because you feel like you have to impress people? Did anyone ever tell you that if you drop out of school you will end up barefoot and pregnant in a trailer park? How did that make you feel?

Have you ever been told your God is wrong? Did they tell you that you are a sinner or that you are going to hell? Do you have one God or hundreds - or do you believe God is three-in-one? Did they say you lack faith because you believe in science or did they say you are an idiot because you have faith? How did that make you feel?

Have you ever felt stupid, ugly, or left out? Me too.

Quote of the day - John Mayer: One day our generation is gonna rule the population, so we keep waiting, waiting on the world to change.

- nine lada's dancing


Anonymous said...

yes, yes, yes... i'm starting to feel like i'm not loved

Anonymous said...

daws122 said...

Someone once said I was evil. I forgive and forget. That is what love is all about. Although the nice thing is I have the choice of the ones I love. Lada, I love you little sis...