Monday, December 11, 2006


Post-Rapture Post
Oh! The Rapture! The day when Jesus will transport all the true believers bodily to Heaven. What about those poor souls left behind? Finally the answer! For a small fee, these nice people will personally deliver a letter to your loved ones explaining your sudden disappearance. How do we know this company will be around to deliver these letters? The company owners are atheists. Oh, I am so amused.

The Eighties
We had a big eighties party this weekend. It was for charity - we had everyone who came to the party bring a gift and now the gifts are being donated to children for the holidays. Russ had a mustache and a clip-on earring. There were tight-rolled jeans, leg warmers and lacy prom dresses. It was awful. And the Karaoke, my god the karaoke. It was a sacrifice for a a good cause. Did I mention the fog machine?

Vickie's Dirty Little Secret
The Victoria's Secret fashion show was on last week. It was supposed to be on primetime but when I flipped on the TV, I saw that instead of being on at 10/9 central like all the ads said, my local channel was running a highlight reel "Columbia Local News, Year in Review." Mmm, a whole year chock-full of local news! They didn't air the fashion show until 2:00 in the morning. You know, to protect the kids. And really, thank goodness! What would we have told the children about all those women and their dirty pillows trying to seduce men and make them eat apples? Harlots.

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If you're ever on Jeopardy: The Atlantic Ocean is growing wider at the rate of one inch per year - the same speed the average fingernail grows.

- gag lada with a spoon


Anonymous said...

'Grody' is one of those words that's fine to say, but looks so alien when you commit it to writing. Perhaps that's why there is no record of it in the dictionary.

Anonymous said...

I want more details about the swinging 80's party