Sunday, January 14, 2007

Written in the Stars (Ursa Major)

KC lost - that stings - but I still have big hopes for the Bears.
A few weeks ago, I opened my fortune cookie to find this:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

See - lada in Miami - it is destiny. I have been carrying that fortune around in my wallet ever since. If it is written down, it must be true. During the stress of the Bears in overtime against the Seahawks, I dug it out and rubbed it reverently (sales people are always superstitious). It worked! Robbie Gould is my hero! I decided I needed to share the luck, so I have scanned it and this special, tiny slip of paper has now become digital. I strongly encourage all of you to print a copy of my fortune to carry in your wallets. Rub as needed.
If you can't do that, at least touch your monitor in respect and mumble a prayer to the NFL gods. On your knees.

Quote of the day - Karen: "24 carat GOULD!"

- lada hearts the Monsters of the Midway


Anonymous said...


Although the countdown spelled bad luck for the Chiefs, maybe it will work for the bears

Me said...

Er, um, Mrs. Brady Quinn, the Mister is displeased with the whole "Mazal Tov", cheating with Robbie thing...

Anonymous said...

ummm...pretty sure the real Monsters of the Midway didn't give up 129 points in their last five games...Sexy Rexy the Turnover Tornado will see this Bears team out of the playoffs next game. I'm thinking that the stars are aligned for the Saints this year.

Anonymous said...

saints, shmaints

Go Bears