Saturday, January 20, 2007

Good, Bad and Ugly

Sixty must be the new twenty
Bruce Willis - 52 - is making a fourth Die Hard
Sylvester Stallone - 60 - just made the his sixth Rocky and is working on Rambo IV
Harrison Ford - 64 - has agreed to make Indian Jones IV
Now I do love me some Bruce Willis, but damn. . .

The world we live in
Captain Hanadi Zakariya Hindi is the first Saudi female pilot. However, she is still required to have a male drive her to the airport. What else is there to say?

One more piece to the puzzle of my life
I finally figured out the name of the Childlike Empress.
I finally figured out the identity of Mr. Drake.
And now, I know how Stephanie Seymour dies in the November Rain video.

Do you remember this video? Of course you do. The wedding, the most inappropriate church tongue-kiss ever, the reception, the rain - then all of a sudden the funeral. What the hell happened at the rainy reception that led to her demise? And to make me even more curious, at the funeral she has half her face covered by a mirror implying some type of massive head trauma.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

The only way to solve this mystery is to read the story that the video was based on - "Without You" by Del James. I decided to read it - but that was in 1992 and I never seemed to get around to actually doing it. . .until now! I was going to buy the book until I saw that used copies of the book are currently selling for $98.85 on Amazon. So, I decided I would take the cheaper route and just google "November Rain story."

She blows her brains out because of her tragic relationship with a dunk, drug-addled rock star. Here it is if you want to read it. Now I can check that off the list. Whew.

If you're ever on Jeopardy: The names of Popeye's four nephews are Pipeye, Pupeye, Peepeye, and Poopeye.

- lada looks into your eyes and can see a love restrained

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